“If it don’t go up, don’t buy it”
But—it’s not. There are so many investments out there to choose from, and there are more every day. What should you buy? When should you buy it? When should you sell it? Who can you trust? All great questions. As your trusted advisor, I’m here to help you separate truth from conventional wisdom. One thing you can be assured of: My firm has no proprietary or “house-brand” investments to push—So you won’t have to wonder whether I’m being objective.
If you’re looking for someone with years of experience who will guide you, tell you what you should invest in, and keep you on track, you’ve come to the right place. While I have access to a countless number of investments, I find elegance in simplicity. So, if you want complex investment strategies that promise awesome returns (and will ultimately disappoint you)— please look elsewhere. We don’t do that here.
Most people come to me with a specific goal they want to achieve—typically retirement. They aren’t investing because they think it’s sexy or exciting. My clients typically want their investments to provide them income today, or at some point down the road. At my firm, we figure out what your goals are, build a plan to get you there, and then finalize the investment strategy. The investments are simply the vehicle that moves you toward your destination. If this makes sense to you, click here to get started. Or, schedule a no-cost consultation below.